
The Five Love Languages

What are love languages? Which one tells you the most? How do you like to be showered in love?

Words of Affirmation: Encouragement, affirm, appreciate, and listen actively. || Send an unexpected note, text or card. || Avoid not recognizing or appreciating effort.

Physical Touch: Non-verbal use of body language, touch to show love. || Hugs, kisses, cuddling, sex. || Avoid physical neglect or abuse.

Receiving Gifts: Thoughtfulness, make your partner a priority. || Give thoughtful gifts, and gestures and express gratitude. || Avoid Unethusastic gift receiving, and forgetting special anniversaries.

Quality Time: Uninterrupted and focused conversations, one on one time. || Create special moments, take walks, do small things with a partner. || Avoid distractions when together and a long time without the other.

Acts of Service: Let them know you are wanting to help or lighten the load. || Make them breakfast or dinner, go out of the way to help with chores. || Avoid lacking follow through on simple tasks

I am unaware of the whereabouts this picture was collected. This is a very interesting image though.

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